Saturday, August 10, 2013

Youthmovie Soundtrack Strategies - Homeless Musics II & III

I've covered this band previously this is a double post with the second and third Homeless Musics collection released by the band of mostly unreleased material. A lot of demos, home recordings, live recordings, and few tracks from their first mini album Let's Get Going... You're Fracturing Me With This Misery.

Homeless Musics II
1. Watch That Precious Object
2. Lock the Door Adrienne
3. Oh! Magic Sleeps That Judgement Lapses Knit
4. I'm Not a Poet, I'm a Dentist
5. Improvised Live Performance With Saul Williams Pt. 1
6. Improvised Live Performance With Saul Williams Pt. 2
7. Improvised Live Performance With Saul Williams Pt. 3
8. The If Works
9. Protest Into Stars Remaining
10. Watch That Precious Objection

Homeless Musics III
1. A Strange and Monstrous Gladness
2. Archive it Everywhere
3. Give an Infinity for or Leave the Building
4. I Felt in My Heart a Moment of Pleasure
5. TNGIAM (Highscores Lofi Remix)
6. Double Sunshine
7. I am a Vampire to You I Will Sneak Up On You
8. The If Works (Live)
9. After the Kicking K
10. The Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor (Early Version)

Expect another update soon with a few other odd releases from this band, although the only song that isn't covered by the Homeless Musics collections is from the split with The Edmund Fitzgerald.

Buy (Good luck try discogs if anywhere.)

Friday, August 2, 2013

TTNG - Vibe Check

TTNG is a band hailing from Oxford, England. At one time they were known as This Town Needs Guns before shortening their name coinciding with the release of there latest album and subsequent international touring.

Henry Tremain - Vocals and Bass
Tim Collis - Guitar
Chris Collis - Drums

This track is from the Japanese release through Stiff Slack Records of the previously mentioned album.

13. Vibe Check

Buy (The whole album on, they have international shipping and are the easiest place to link to.)